Easy to compile, fast ODE integrators as C++ classes
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CNewtonBackwardEulerNonlinear system solver for OdeBackwardEuler
 CNewtonGauss6Nonlinear system solver for OdeGauss6
 CNewtonGeng5Nonlinear system solver for OdeGeng5
 CNewtonLobattoIIIC6Nonlinear system solver for OdeLobattoIIIC6
 CNewtonRadauIIA5Nonlinear system solver for OdeRadauIIA5
 CNewtonSDIRK43Nonlinear system solver for OdeSDIRK43
 COdeAdaptiveBase class implementing solver functions with adaptive time steps
 COdeBackwardEulerBackward Euler's method, unconditionally stable but relatively inaccurate
 COdeBaseLowest base class for all solvers
 COdeDoPri54Popular explicit 5/4 pair from Dormand & Prince
 COdeDoPri87Explicit 8/7 pair from Dormand & Prince
 COdeEmbeddedBase clase implementing methods for embedded Runge-Kutta error estimation
 COdeERKBase class providing space for temporary solutions moving through RK stages
 COdeEulerThe simplest runge kutta method, forward Euler's
 COdeGauss6The sixth-order, A-stable, fully-implicit Gauss-Legendre method with 3 stages
 COdeGeng5The fifth-order, symplectic, fully-implicit Geng integrator with 3 stages
 COdeGRK4AFourth-order, A-stable, adaptive Rosenbrock method from Kaps and Rentrop
 COdeIRKProvides a large vector containing the slope values of all stages with pointers to each of the individual stages
 COdeLobattoIIIC6The sixth-order, L-stable, fully-implicit Lobatto IIIC method with 4 stages
 COdeNewtonNewton's method for nonlinear systems of equations
 COdeNewtonBridgeTemplated base class connecting solver objects and OdeNewton objects
 COdeNewtonIRKExtension of OdeNewtonBridge class for fully implicit methods
 COdeNewtonSDIRKExtension of OdeNewtonBridge class for fully SDIRK methods
 COdeRadauIIA5The fifth-order, L-stable, fully-implicit Radau IIA method with 3 stages
 COdeRKProvides space for stage slope values, an array of arrays for k values
 COdeRK4The classic Runge-Kutta 4th order method
 COdeRK43This class implements a 3rd and 4th order method with the FSAL (first same as last) property
 COdeRKCKExplicit 5/4 pair, also with 3rd, 2nd, and 1st order embedded methods, from Cash & Karp
 COdeRKF322nd and 3rd order solver developed by Fehlberg
 COdeRosenbrockBase class for Rosenbrock methods
 COdeROW6A6th order, A-stable Rosenbrock method
 COdeSDIRK43L-stable 4/3 SDIRK pair
 COdeSsp3Strong stability preserving method of order 3
 COdeTrapzSecond order, explicit trapezoidal rule
 COdeVern65Jim Verner's "most efficient" 6/5 pair
 COdeVern76Jim Verner's "most efficient" 7/6 pair
 COdeVern98Jim Verner's "most efficient" 9/8 pair