Easy to compile, fast ODE integrators as C++ classes
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ode::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator > Class Template Reference

Extension of OdeNewtonBridge class for fully implicit methods. More...

#include <ode_newton_bridge.h>

Inheritance diagram for ode::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator >:
ode::OdeNewtonBridge< Integrator > ode::OdeNewton

Public Member Functions

 OdeNewtonIRK (unsigned long neq, int nk, Integrator *integrator)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ode::OdeNewtonBridge< Integrator >
 OdeNewtonBridge (unsigned long neq, unsigned long nnew, Integrator *integrator)
 ~OdeNewtonBridge ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ode::OdeNewton
 OdeNewton (unsigned long n)
virtual ~OdeNewton ()
unsigned long get_n ()
 gets the size of the system
double get_tol_Newton ()
 gets the L infinity tolerance
unsigned long get_iter_Newton ()
 gets iteration counter
int get_iJLU ()
 gets the LU decomposition interval
unsigned long get_nJLU ()
 gets the LU decomposition counter
unsigned long get_n_solve_LU ()
 gets the LU solve counter
bool get_modified ()
 gets whether modified Newtion's is being used
bool get_ignore_JLU ()
 gets whether no LU decompositions should be done
void set_tol_Newton (double tol_Newton)
 sets the L infinity tolerance
void set_iter_Newton (unsigned long iter_Newton)
 sets the iteration counter
void set_iJLU (int iJLU)
 sets the LU decomposition interval
void set_modified (bool modified)
 sets whether modified Newtion's is being used
void set_ignore_JLU (bool ignore_JLU)
 sets whether no LU decompositions should be done
int solve_Newton (double *x)
 Solve the system of equations.

Protected Attributes

int nk_
 number of stages or k vectors
double ** k_
 pointer to the stage slopes of RK methods
double ** a
 pointer to tableau coefficients
double * b
 pointer to tableau coefficients
- Protected Attributes inherited from ode::OdeNewtonBridge< Integrator >
unsigned long neq_
 ODE system size.
unsigned long nnew_
 Newton system size.
Integrator * integrator_
 storage of a pointer to the solver class
double * sol_
 pointer to the solver's solution vector
double ** Jac_
 pointer to the solver's Jacobian matrix
double * dt_
 pointer to time step member
double * ftemp_
 temporary values for evaluation of Newton function
double * soltemp_
 temporary solution values

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ode::OdeNewtonBridge< Integrator >
void fun (double *solin, double *fout)
 wrapper around system evaluation function
void jac (double *solin, double **Jout)
 wrapper around Jacobian evaluation function
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ode::OdeNewton
virtual void f_Newton (double *x, double *f)=0
 evaluates the function being zeroed
virtual void J_Newton (double *x, double **J)=0
 evaluates the Jacobian matrix of the function being zeroed

Detailed Description

template<class Integrator>
class ode::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator >

Extension of OdeNewtonBridge class for fully implicit methods.

This class extends the bridge class by storing pointers to the integrator class's k vectors and tableau/coefficients, which are needed for newton iterations

Definition at line 93 of file ode_newton_bridge.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OdeNewtonIRK()

template<class Integrator >
ode::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator >::OdeNewtonIRK ( unsigned long neq,
int nk,
Integrator * integrator )


[in]neqsize of system of ODEs
[in]nknumber of stages
[in]integratorpointer to integrator object

Definition at line 102 of file ode_newton_bridge.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ a

template<class Integrator >
double** ode::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator >::a

pointer to tableau coefficients

Definition at line 121 of file ode_newton_bridge.h.

◆ b

template<class Integrator >
double* ode::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator >::b

pointer to tableau coefficients

Definition at line 123 of file ode_newton_bridge.h.

◆ k_

template<class Integrator >
double** ode::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator >::k_

pointer to the stage slopes of RK methods

Definition at line 119 of file ode_newton_bridge.h.

◆ nk_

template<class Integrator >
int ode::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator >::nk_

number of stages or k vectors

Definition at line 117 of file ode_newton_bridge.h.

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