Easy to compile, fast ODE integrators as C++ classes
▼Code::OdeBase | Lowest base class for all solvers |
▼Code::OdeAdaptive | Base class implementing solver functions with adaptive time steps |
Code::OdeBackwardEuler | Backward Euler's method, unconditionally stable but relatively inaccurate |
▼Code::OdeEmbedded | Base clase implementing methods for embedded Runge-Kutta error estimation |
Code::OdeDoPri54 | Popular explicit 5/4 pair from Dormand & Prince |
Code::OdeDoPri87 | Explicit 8/7 pair from Dormand & Prince |
Code::OdeGRK4A | Fourth-order, A-stable, adaptive Rosenbrock method from Kaps and Rentrop |
Code::OdeRK43 | This class implements a 3rd and 4th order method with the FSAL (first same as last) property |
Code::OdeRKCK | Explicit 5/4 pair, also with 3rd, 2nd, and 1st order embedded methods, from Cash & Karp |
Code::OdeRKF32 | 2nd and 3rd order solver developed by Fehlberg |
Code::OdeSDIRK43 | L-stable 4/3 SDIRK pair |
Code::OdeVern65 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 6/5 pair |
Code::OdeVern76 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 7/6 pair |
Code::OdeVern98 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 9/8 pair |
Code::OdeEuler | The simplest runge kutta method, forward Euler's |
Code::OdeGauss6 | The sixth-order, A-stable, fully-implicit Gauss-Legendre method with 3 stages |
Code::OdeGeng5 | The fifth-order, symplectic, fully-implicit Geng integrator with 3 stages |
Code::OdeLobattoIIIC6 | The sixth-order, L-stable, fully-implicit Lobatto IIIC method with 4 stages |
Code::OdeRK4 | The classic Runge-Kutta 4th order method |
Code::OdeROW6A | 6th order, A-stable Rosenbrock method |
Code::OdeRadauIIA5 | The fifth-order, L-stable, fully-implicit Radau IIA method with 3 stages |
Code::OdeSsp3 | Strong stability preserving method of order 3 |
Code::OdeTrapz | Second order, explicit trapezoidal rule |
▼Code::OdeERK | Base class providing space for temporary solutions moving through RK stages |
Code::OdeDoPri54 | Popular explicit 5/4 pair from Dormand & Prince |
Code::OdeDoPri87 | Explicit 8/7 pair from Dormand & Prince |
Code::OdeRK4 | The classic Runge-Kutta 4th order method |
Code::OdeRK43 | This class implements a 3rd and 4th order method with the FSAL (first same as last) property |
Code::OdeRKCK | Explicit 5/4 pair, also with 3rd, 2nd, and 1st order embedded methods, from Cash & Karp |
Code::OdeRKF32 | 2nd and 3rd order solver developed by Fehlberg |
Code::OdeSsp3 | Strong stability preserving method of order 3 |
Code::OdeTrapz | Second order, explicit trapezoidal rule |
Code::OdeVern65 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 6/5 pair |
Code::OdeVern76 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 7/6 pair |
Code::OdeVern98 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 9/8 pair |
▼Code::OdeIRK | Provides a large vector containing the slope values of all stages with pointers to each of the individual stages |
Code::OdeBackwardEuler | Backward Euler's method, unconditionally stable but relatively inaccurate |
Code::OdeGauss6 | The sixth-order, A-stable, fully-implicit Gauss-Legendre method with 3 stages |
Code::OdeGeng5 | The fifth-order, symplectic, fully-implicit Geng integrator with 3 stages |
Code::OdeLobattoIIIC6 | The sixth-order, L-stable, fully-implicit Lobatto IIIC method with 4 stages |
Code::OdeRadauIIA5 | The fifth-order, L-stable, fully-implicit Radau IIA method with 3 stages |
▼Code::OdeNewton | Newton's method for nonlinear systems of equations |
Code::OdeNewtonBridge< OdeBackwardEuler > | |
Code::OdeNewtonBridge< OdeGauss6 > | |
Code::OdeNewtonBridge< OdeGeng5 > | |
Code::OdeNewtonBridge< OdeLobattoIIIC6 > | |
Code::OdeNewtonBridge< OdeRadauIIA5 > | |
Code::OdeNewtonBridge< OdeSDIRK43 > | |
▼Code::OdeNewtonBridge< Integrator > | Templated base class connecting solver objects and OdeNewton objects |
▼Code::OdeNewtonIRK< OdeBackwardEuler > | |
Code::NewtonBackwardEuler | Nonlinear system solver for OdeBackwardEuler |
▼Code::OdeNewtonIRK< OdeGauss6 > | |
Code::NewtonGauss6 | Nonlinear system solver for OdeGauss6 |
▼Code::OdeNewtonIRK< OdeGeng5 > | |
Code::NewtonGeng5 | Nonlinear system solver for OdeGeng5 |
▼Code::OdeNewtonIRK< OdeLobattoIIIC6 > | |
Code::NewtonLobattoIIIC6 | Nonlinear system solver for OdeLobattoIIIC6 |
▼Code::OdeNewtonIRK< OdeRadauIIA5 > | |
Code::NewtonRadauIIA5 | Nonlinear system solver for OdeRadauIIA5 |
▼Code::OdeNewtonSDIRK< OdeSDIRK43 > | |
Code::NewtonSDIRK43 | Nonlinear system solver for OdeSDIRK43 |
Code::OdeNewtonIRK< Integrator > | Extension of OdeNewtonBridge class for fully implicit methods |
Code::OdeNewtonSDIRK< Integrator > | Extension of OdeNewtonBridge class for fully SDIRK methods |
▼Code::OdeRK | Provides space for stage slope values, an array of arrays for k values |
Code::OdeDoPri54 | Popular explicit 5/4 pair from Dormand & Prince |
Code::OdeDoPri87 | Explicit 8/7 pair from Dormand & Prince |
Code::OdeEuler | The simplest runge kutta method, forward Euler's |
Code::OdeRK4 | The classic Runge-Kutta 4th order method |
Code::OdeRK43 | This class implements a 3rd and 4th order method with the FSAL (first same as last) property |
Code::OdeRKCK | Explicit 5/4 pair, also with 3rd, 2nd, and 1st order embedded methods, from Cash & Karp |
Code::OdeRKF32 | 2nd and 3rd order solver developed by Fehlberg |
Code::OdeSDIRK43 | L-stable 4/3 SDIRK pair |
Code::OdeSsp3 | Strong stability preserving method of order 3 |
Code::OdeTrapz | Second order, explicit trapezoidal rule |
Code::OdeVern65 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 6/5 pair |
Code::OdeVern76 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 7/6 pair |
Code::OdeVern98 | Jim Verner's "most efficient" 9/8 pair |
▼Code::OdeRosenbrock | Base class for Rosenbrock methods |
Code::OdeGRK4A | Fourth-order, A-stable, adaptive Rosenbrock method from Kaps and Rentrop |
Code::OdeROW6A | 6th order, A-stable Rosenbrock method |