General use functions
- orthopoly.util.isnum(x)#
Tests if an object is float-able (a number)
- Parameters:
x – some object
- Returns:
True or False
- orthopoly.util.xhat2x(xhat, a, b)#
Converts \(\hat{x}\) coordinates in \([-1,1]\) to \(x\) coordinates in \([x_a,x_b]\)
- orthopoly.util.x2xhat(x, a, b)#
Converts \(x\) coordinates in \([x_a,x_b]\) to \(\hat{x}\) coordinates in \([-1,1]\)
- orthopoly.util.xhat2theta(xhat)#
Converts \(\hat{x}\) coordinates in \([-1,1]\) to \(\theta\) coordinates \([\pi,0]\)
- orthopoly.util.theta2xhat(xhat)#
Converts \(\theta\) coordinates in \([\pi,0]\) to \(\hat{x}\) coordinates in \([-1,1]\)