81 void solve_adaptive (
double tint,
double dt0,
const char *dirout,
int inter);
90 void solve_adaptive (
double tint,
double dt0,
unsigned long nsnap,
const char *dirout);
99 void solve_adaptive (
double dt0,
double *tsnap,
unsigned long nsnap,
const char *dirout);
124 virtual void adapt (
double abstol,
double reltol);
Base class implementing solver functions with adaptive time steps.
long unsigned get_nrej()
gets the count of rejected steps
void set_reltol(double tol)
sets the relative error tolerance
void set_tol(double tol)
sets the absolute and relative error tolerance to the same value
double reltol_
absolute error tolerance
double dt_adapt_(double tend)
wrapper around dt_adapt() to perform additional checks
long unsigned nrej_
counter for rejected steps
double dtmax_
maximum allowable time step
void solve_adaptive_(double tint, double dt0, bool extra=true)
integrates without output or any counters, trackers, extra functions...
double get_dtmax()
gets the maximum allowable time step
virtual ~OdeAdaptive()
double get_reltol()
gets the relative error tolerance
bool solve_done_adaptive(double tend)
determines whether an adaptive solve is finished
bool step_adaptive_(double dt, bool extra=true)
executes a single time and calls all necessary adapting functions
void set_abstol(double tol)
sets the absolute error tolerance
double abstol_
absolute error tolerance
void solve_adaptive(double tint, double dt0, bool extras=true)
integrates for a specified duration of independent variable without output
double get_abstol()
gets the absolute error tolerance
virtual bool is_rejected()
retreives a bool determining whether a step is accepted/rejected, false by default
OdeAdaptive(unsigned long neq, bool need_jac)
virtual double dt_adapt()
retrieves the best time step for the next step
void set_dtmax(double dtmax)
sets the maximum allowable time step
virtual void adapt(double abstol, double reltol)
executes whatever calculations need to be performed for adapting, including a determination of whethe...
Lowest base class for all solvers.