
opticaldepth(P₁, P₂, g, 𝒻T, 𝒻μ, θ, absorbers...; tol=1e-5)

Compute monochromatic optical depths ($\tau$) between two pressure levels


  • P₁: first pressure level [Pa]
  • P₂: second pressure level [Pa]
  • g: gravitational acceleration [m/s$^2$]
  • 𝒻T: temperature [K] as a function of pressure [Pa], 𝒻T(P). This may be any callable object, like MoistAdiabat, for example.
  • 𝒻μ: mean molar mass as a function of temperature [K] and pressure [Pa], 𝒻μ(T,P)
  • θ: angle [radians] of path, must be ∈ [0,π/2), where 0 is straight up/down
  • absorbers: at least one gas object and any number of CIATables and functions in the form σ(ν, T, P)

Returns a vector of optical depths across all wavenumbers stored in gas objects. The tol keyword argument adjusts integrator error tolerance.


Evaluate transmittance from optical depth, $t = e^{-τ}$

transmittance(P₁, P₂, g, 𝒻T, 𝒻μ, θ, absorbers...; tol=1e-5)

Compute monochromatic transmittances. between two pressure levels

Accepts the same arguments as opticaldepth and returns a vector of transmittances across all wavenumbers stored in gas objects.

outgoing(Pₛ, g, 𝒻T, 𝒻μ, absorbers; Ptop=1.0, nstream=5, tol=1e-5)

Compute outgoing monochromatic radiative fluxes [W/m$^2$/cm$^{-1}$], line-by-line. Integrates the schwarzschild equation from Pₛ to Ptop at each wavenumber in the provided gas object(s) using any number of streams/angles. Total flux [W/m$^2$] can be evaluated with the trapz function. This function does not include reflected stellar radiation, which is accounted for in topfluxes and topimbalance


  • Pₛ: surface pressure [Pa]
  • g: gravitational acceleration [m/s$^2$]
  • 𝒻T: temperature [K] as a function of pressure [Pa], 𝒻T(P). This may be any callable object, like MoistAdiabat, for example.
  • 𝒻μ: mean molar mass as a function of temperature [K] and pressure [Pa], 𝒻μ(T,P)
  • absorbers: at least one gas object and any number of CIATables and functions in the form σ(ν, T, P)


  • Ptop: top of atmopshere pressure [Pa]
  • nstream: the number of atmospheric streams (radiation angles) to calculate and integrate
  • tol: integrator error tolerance

The keyword argument nstream specifies how many independent streams, or beam angles through the atmosphere, to integrate. The keyword argument tol is a numerical error tolerance passed to the radau integrator.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for topfluxes. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for bottomfluxes. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for GroupedAbsorber. Check Documenter's build log for details.

AcceleratedAbsorber(P, T, G::UnifiedAbsorber)
AcceleratedAbsorber(P, T, absorbers...)

An accelerated struct for getting cross-sections from groups of absorbers. Pressure and temperature coordinates must be provided.

update!(A::AcceleratedAbsorber, T)

Update the cross-section interpolators underlying an AcceleratedAbsorber with a new set of temperatures. The new temperatures should correspond to the pressure levels used when originally constructing the AcceleratedAbsorber.
